Hikes + egg hunts + karate | Best Of roundup
Best of March + April 2019
Personal Work | Toronto real life documentary photographer
We can sometimes get lost. In the mess, the rush, the shoulds. But I try (emphasis on TRY) to observe my everyday as much as I can — even when every part of me wants to roll out the beach towel on the sandy beach of my daydreams.
And it seems like no matter how hard I try — how many Marie Kondo books I read, how many systems I try to implement to organize the kids’ stuff, how many flyers/giveaways/samples I refuse — I always feel like I’m chasing tidiness ‘nirvana’. One step behind. Buried in what can only be described as everyday life.
The last two months have flown by at a speed I can’t even describe. So much good and growth and love, but speeding nonetheless. A day in the life of us right now is a mix of rush + hush. Fast and slow. And with that breakneck speed, I suppose, comes a certain requirement to just let some stuff go. Like the stuff.
I’m trying to embrace the stuff that’s important to us (at least at this moment) as part of our life, rather than a drag down. But as a person who’s more and more drawn to less of everything: less shopping, fewer decisions….being surrounded by other people’s important stuff can sometimes weigh on me.
And so, while I try once again to organize the tiny Lego swords that fill up a corner of our kitchen island, I’ll reflect back on a couple of months where the theme was definitely moments-over-mess. Capturing the real life of my own family is my greatest gift: to me, to my kids, to whoever sees these photographs 100 years from now. And so the mess remains…. but the moments glow stronger. xx